Dromana Foreshore Committee of Management Meetings
Meetings are on the 4th Monday of every month (except December). The public are welcome to attend as observers after making prior arrangements with the Secretary. Please contact the Secretary for more details on (03) 5981 0933 or email info@dromanaforeshore.com
Note the minutes become available on the website after they have been ratified at the following month's meeting.
2024 Focus Newsletter
The Dromana Foreshore Committee of Management produces a newsletter once a year and is sent to boatshed and bathing box licensees, caravan park users, local businesses, service clubs, shire officers, councillors and those on the foreshore mailing list. If you would like to receive a copy of the newsletter please contact the Secretary or click here to view it in your browser.
Reports of Interest
Draft Dromana Foreshore Reserve Coastal Management Plan 2014-2017
Dromana Foreshore Draft Vegetation Quality Assessment Updated June 2021
Dromana Foreshore Reserve Fire Management Plan
Fauna Survey 2010 available by request. Contact the Secretary (03) 5981 0933.