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The Committee and Subcommittees

Join the Committee



The Dromana Foreshore Committee of Management Inc. is a volunteer committee comprising up to 10 community-minded members, appointed through an expressions of interest process by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA).

Dromana Foreshore Reserve has been managed by a volunteer committee since 1929 and is Crown Land managed for the people of Victoria. The Committee is responsible for the maintenance and management of 3.5km of beach and foreshore reserve and must manage it according to the Crown Lands Reserves Act 1979 and other relevant state legislation, including the Mornington Peninsula Shire Council Planning Scheme.

Join the Committee

Join the Committee

Please contact the Secretary for expressions of interest.

Committee Members

Julie A. (Chair)

Mark Barson (Treasurer)

Lysette Ashford

Ray Greenslade

Natasha Marsh

John Steele

Marianne Trigg

Jane Whittle


Michael (Ranger, Full-time)

Wendy (Secretary, Tues & Fri)


The Committee is made up of eight subcommittees. Subcommittees meet on an as needs basis and make recommendations to the general committee. The Subcommittees are:



The Works Subcomittee meets monthly with the Ranger to review and monitor works program and look at any requests for alterations/maintenance to boatsheds. This subcommittee works in conjunction with the Vegetation Management subcommittee.




The Finance subcommittee meet quarterly to monitor expenditure and income, review and set the budget, make recommendations for fee structures and consider any special project costs.


Latrobe Reserve


This subcommittee looks after the 19 hectares of remnant vegetation that is Latrobe Reserve, and is working to restore the reserve to its natural habitat of indigenous vegetation. The Committee has conducted a flora and fauna survey of the reserve and has received funding from the Commonwealth Government’s Federation Fund for the formalisation of a walking trail from Latrobe Parade to Pt Nepean Road. This trail makes up the first section of the Two Bays Walking Track which extends from Port Phillip Bay to Westernport Bay and Cape Schanck. Latrobe Reserve has a friends group which meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month (Feb-Nov), working on weed eradication and planting field activities.




Our Grants subcommittee seek out and apply for appropriate grants for major projects on the foreshore reserve.

The committee has had great success in this area receiving funding for bay trail works, risk mitigation projects such as tree audits, replacement of asbestos roofs on toilet blocks, construction of tracks, stairways, removal of environmental weeds to name just a few.

Without grant funding a large number of projects would not be possible.



Vegetation Management


The Vegetation Management subcommittee makes recommendations and plans for planting on the reserve, including ensuring that there is a cross section of grasses, ground covers, shrubs and trees using vegetation that is indigenous to the foreshore reserve.


Caravan Park


The Caravan Park subcommittee meets during and before the caravan park season and addresses all issues relating to the management of the seasonal caravan park, including managing a capital works program and grants for upgrading of facilities. In the past this committee has been responsible for the upgrading of the electricity supply and updating of the powerheads, replacement of shower heads, taps and cisterns with water saving models.The Caravan Park Subcommittee also meets regularly with representatives from the Campers & Friends Association to discuss issues and improvements to the caravan park. A caravan park masterplan was completed in 2002.



Town Centre


The Town Centre Consultative Committee was formed with representatives from the township of Dromana to work with Mornington Peninsula Shire Council as upgrade works were proposed for the township of Dromana.

The foreshore links directly with the town and vice versa and the Management Committee has a representative on this subcommittee to present its view.



Bay Trail


This committee meets to coordinate and facilitate the planning and construction of the Bay Trail (shared access trail) through the reserve.The Bay Trail is a state government initiative, but apart from the first stage from eastern boundary (Safety Beach end) to the pier, it has been wholly funded by the Committee and the generous donations from local service clubs (Rotary) and local businesses (D.A. Christies, Hillview Quarries, Steve Vezer and others).The Committee has constructed all but 1km of the trail. This remaining section takes in the caravan park and requires planning and public consultation. The Committee is looking at an opportunity to relocate Point Nepean Rd by 7 metres into Latrobe Reserve as requested by DSE to reduce the impact on the caravan park. The Committee appreciates community support and welcomes offers of donations and sponsorship for its projects.



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