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Role of the Committee

Dromana Foreshore is popular amongst locals and tourists. We are passionate volunteers who strive to maintain and improve the foreshore.

The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) manages the Victoria Coast and appoints Committees of Management to act on its behalf. The Mornington Peninsula has 16 Committees of Management. Dromana Foreshore Committee manages 3.5 km of coastline.


We are Crown Land Committees of Management established under the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978, which is administered by the Minister for Planning. The Act provides the Committee with broad powers to manage land reserved for public purposes on behalf of the Crown.


Committee members are appointed under the Act for a term of three years by the responsible Minister and are selected through a public skills-based 'Expression of Interest' process.


The powers of the Committee are set out in Section 15 of the Act, and are summarised in the Committee of Management Responsibilities and Good Practice Guidelines 2003, as follows:


  • Manage, improve, maintain and control the land for the purposes for which it is reserved

  • Report on its finances and other issues as directed by DEECA

  • Maintain records and administer its affairs as a public body

  • Exercise all such powers, functions and authorities and carry out all such duties as are conferred or imposed on it by any regulations

  • Carry out works and improvements on the land.


Under the Act, the Committee also has the authority to:


  • Undertake financial transactions, including borrowing money (with Treasurer's consent) and entering contracts

  • Enter tenure arrangements such as leasing and licensing for part or all of the reserve, subject to Minister's approval

  • Effect and enforce any regulations

  • Employ staff to manage the land


Each committee is self funded, raising its revenue and reinvesting all income in the management of the reserves. Revenue is generated through Camping Fees, License Fees for Boatsheds and Bathing Boxes, Commercial leases, etc. The Committees are also proactive in obtaining grant funding for specific projects.



To join the Committee or for all other enquiries, contact the Secretary of Dromana Foreshore Committee of Management

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